Sunday 30 January 2011

Magazine Target Audiences #2

NME is a British music magazine that features many different genres of music. This issue acts as a sort of bumper issue, therefore doesn't focus on one genre of music, rather it includes many different artists and bands. Florence and the Machine are the main feature of the magazine as she has the largest image of the cover. Fans of hers will be attracted to the magazine, but so will fans of the other artists/bands shown on the left hand side of the cover. The bands shown are from genres such as indie, pop and rock, and so appeal to a large target audience which will bring the magazine more consumers. People interested in the magazine will be those who enjoy the genres of music featured, or fancy broadening their music horizons. The colours on the cover are very upbeat and summer-looking, despite the issue being released in January, though this could connote a fresh start to the year and fresh music to listen to. All of the artists on the cover are very young, therefore the magazine is most likely aimed at a younger audience from probably 15-24 years old. The amount of males and females shown on the cover is pretty much equal, which suggests that the magazine is appropriate for both genders to read and they will both be interested in it, however this issue could be more aimed at Florence and the Machine fans as she is the main feature. The magazine costs £2.30 and so fits in a more affordable category, especially for perhaps students with or without a part time job.  However the magazine is a weekly one so over the months could add up to quite a bit, perhaps meaning that some consumers neglect to buy it every week. The cover of the magazine contains a lot of lists and name-dropping of bands or artists, to show off how many artists are featured (the photograph-puffs and in the seal of approval) and also which genres the magazine will also have in (the list at the foot of the cover) which in a way makes the viewer think that the magazine is worth the amount they pay considering how much they get from it.

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